Units and Sources

The materials of Exploring Celtic Civilizations are arranged into Units and primary sources below. Click a linked title to go to the Unit or source; special “Volumes” (texts connected to data visualizations) are marked with the √ character; primary sources that are encoded as “Records” (so that they can be represented on data visualizations) are marked with the ® character.



Iron Age Evidence and Interpretation

More coming…

Celtic Communities in the Historical Era

The Age of Warrior Kings: 410-600

Expanding Kingdoms: 600-840

Viking Invasions: 840-1066

Anglo-Norman Invasions: 1066-1300

Native Insurgencies: 1300-1500

Imperial Domination: 1500-1707

Primary Sources

Greek and Roman Texts from Antiquity

Listed roughly in chronological order.

Celtic Authors (5th C onward)

In Latin or a Celtic language, in roughly chronological order

non-Celtic Authors (5th C onward)